Death is like mud

There’s a reason our kids don’t ask Santa for a toy casket.  And why Disney doesn’t offer a destination funeral experience.

When one of our loved ones die, it’s never fun.

It’s not pretty.

Death is impossibly hard.

It’s so, so very messy, circular, cloudy, vulnerable, and tiring.

It can hurt, it can be lonely, and the tragic kinds of death can literally ruin our lives.

It doesn’t “make us stronger.” It does, however, make us weaker . . . or maybe it’s best to say it helps us see just how fragile we really are.

Death is important.

It’s important because it tells the truth. 

It tells the truth about who we are.  And there’s so many things in our biology, in culture, in religion, and in ourselves that keeps us from talking about it.

Death positivity is the simple idea that death talk is okay.  It’s good to talk about because even though death is like mud, it holds the vital ingredients to life.


Via Funeral


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